TAP lab Ultimaker Guide

Ultimaker 2+ converted to use 1.75mm filament (top printer)
Ultimaker 2+ (printer not in cabinet)


The Ultimakers are older and slower than the Bambu and Prusa but have been really good machines over the years and are still able to make good prints.

If you use Ultimaker Cura as your slicer it is a much simpler slicer and printer to use than the Bambu or Prusa.

Use a micro SD card in an adaptor for both the Ultimakers.

Slicer settings: Ultimaker Cura

You can use the default profile for Ultimaker 2+ for the top printer and it should work fine but if you want to optimise it for this machine use the profile for 1.75mm.

The main workstations in TAP lab already have profiles set up for this, just select the correct profile along the top of Cura. If you are using it on your own computer load it following the steps in the screenshot below:

Click down for 'manage printer'. Add a preset, Change default diameter to 1.75mm
  1. Click down arrow for ‘Manage printers’
  2. ‘Add new’ > ‘Add a non-networked printer’ > ‘Ultimaker 2+’ > ‘Add’ (then rename it)
  3. Go to ‘Machine Settings’ > ‘Extruder 1’ > Change material diameter from default to ‘1.75mm’

Slicer settings: PrusaSlicer

The main workstations in TAP lab already have profiles set up to use the Ultimakers, just select the correct profile along the right hand side of PrusaSlicer.

If you are using it on your own computer load it following the steps below:

Adding Ultimaker 2+ profiles to PrusaSlicer

  1. Select the gear icon for printer options.
  2. Select ‘Add/Remove presets’.

3. By default it may have a selection of Prusa printers already selected. Scroll through to de-select them all.
4. Select ‘next’ to get to next page of options.

5. Under ‘other vendors’ and select ‘Ultimaker’.
Select ‘next’.

6. Make sure the tick box for Ultimaker 2 is selected.
Select next.

7. Depending on which machine you are setting up for you should change the filament diameter to optimise the print settings.

2.85mm for the middle printer.
1.75mm for the top printer.

select next.

For optimal results select the types of filament you are using. TAP lab usually stocks Esun PLA+.

Depending on which printer you are using, the nozzle temperature and bed tempature will need to be updated as follows:

1.75mm (top printer): nozzle temperature 220C and bed temperature 60C.
2.85mm (middle printer): nozzle temperature 210C and bed temperature 60c.

Finished. You should now be able to select from under your presets which profile to use.