Emergency numbers:
Emergency: 111
Poison hotline: 0800 POISON (0800 764 766)
- Crucial TAP lab Safety Information
- Safety Levels and Licences for Equipment
- Workshop Health and Safety
- Versioning and Admin info
Crucial TAP lab Safety Information

Emergency and safety equipment
Make sure you are familiar with the location of the first aid kit and fire extinguishers before using any equipment that could put you at risk.
Exiting TAP lab: if the door is closed you need to touch the ‘Touch to exit’ button on the left of the door to open it.
Fire alarm: located outside the lift
TAP lab provides:
- A first aid kit
- Running water (bathrooms down the hallway or the Kotare room across the hall)
- Cool pack (in the fridge)
- Fire extinguishers
- Ear muffs, safety goggles, gloves
- A stepladder for reaching high places
- A trolley if you need to move heavy items to other rooms in the building

Evacuation procedures
Make sure you know the evacuation procedure for the Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre. The ‘Fire Emergency Procedures’ are displayed on a red sign outside TAP lab, it reads:
If you hear a continuous siren, leave the building by the nearest exit and stairs.
Proceed to assembly station in rear carpark.
Follow instructions of the Fire Warden.
If you observe a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm.
Dial 111, advise fire services of address and city.
From TAP lab the main exit is down the stairs and out the front door. There is also an emergency only exit by turning left from TAP lab and going to the end of the hall past the toilets.

Max occupancy
Maximum room occupancy for TAP lab is 20 people. Depending on what is being worked it may not be safe to have that many in the room at once, use judgement when assessing this and act accordingly.

Under 18’s are the responsibility of their parent or guardian.
The guardian needs to ensure they comply with the safety procedures and the equipment licence system. While following the equipment licence system the guardian must assess what equipment they believe their child is capable of using and supervise them accordingly. A TAP lab member may override this judgement if they believe the child is using something they shouldn’t be.
Under 18’s cannot be left unattended in TAP lab.

Hazardous substances and fumes
Storage of hazardous substances should be located out of reach of children and away from any tools or equipment that have a high risk of starting a fire. The designated area for this is on the top shelf in the far left corner of the room.
Ventilation in TAP lab is very limited, you can open the door and/or have the air conditioner running. Do not use anything that could cause fumes that require more ventilation than this.
Sign in
You are required to complete the TAP lab sign in form when you are using TAP lab. In case of an incident we want to have a record of who was present.
Safety Levels and Licences for Equipment
Tools and equipment at TAP lab have a colour-coded safety level rating with a safety card of instructions for operation. Check tools and equipment for a TAP lab Safety Level sticker to see whether you will require training or a licence before using it. You can also check by viewing the list of equipment on this website.
Types of Licences:
- Restricted: you have completed your induction but must be supervised by someone with a full licence before you are able to use it independently.
- Full: you can operate the tool independently without supervision.
- Trainer: also has a full licence. Trainers can only approve licences for equipment they are licensed to train on.
Can I still use equipment if I don’t have a licence?
It depends:
- YES, you can use equipment that you don’t have a licence for as long as you are working with someone who does have a full licence. Often at workshops and other open sessions the facilitator or other members there will be able to assist you and supervise you to use things safely – just ask.
- NO, if no one who has a licence to use an item of equipment is present, that equipment must not be used.
TAP lab Safety Levels
TAP lab safety level:
Extreme risk
These tools carry a high risk of injury and/or damage if used incorrectly and require some time to learn to use them proficiently.
- Read the safety and training procedure specific to this equipment
Licence required for use
Read the safety and training procedure specific to this equipment.
TAP lab safety level:
High Risk
These tools carry a high risk of injury and/or damage if used incorrectly and may be challenging to learn.
- Read the Safety card
- Receive induction from a trainer
- Supervision required until approved to operate independently
Licence required for use
Trainers will either give a restricted licence then a full licence or if you are sufficiently competent you could get a full licence straight away.
TAP lab safety level:
Moderate risk
These tools have a moderate risk of injury and/or damage and are moderately easy to learn.
- Read the safety card
- Receive induction from a trainer
Licence required for use
Full licence given once induction is complete.
TAP lab safety level:
Low risk
These tools are generally low risk when used correctly, easy to learn and commonly available.
- Read the safety card
Licence NOT required for use
Operate the tool in accordance with the safety card.
Getting trained and storing your licences
Go to the TAP lab Safety and Training website safety.taplab.nz for safety information on each piece of equipment and who can train you. At TAP lab we encourage everyone to teach each other but only those who are listed as ‘Trainers’ are authorised to do the inductions and approve people to get licences.
To use equipment that requires a licence (moderate to highest risk) you will need to get an account for the TAP lab Safety and Learning website. All your licences will be kept in your profile, you will be required to show this if ever any members at TAP lab request you to. TAP lab staff, some facilitators and others in a position of authority may also be able to view your licencing information but other members won’t.
Trainers can only approve licences for equipment they are licenced to train on. Trainers names will be displayed on the website (nicknames may be used for privacy reasons).
How the safety levels are decided
Equipment is assessed on:
- safety risk to the person and other people
- risk of damage to the equipment or surroundings
- how difficult it is to learn to use proficiently
- how readily available it is (i.e. standard household items that most people will have used before)
Workshop Health and Safety
Health and safety is not about being a killjoy. It’s about understanding risk, taking simple steps to minimise the risks you have identified, and using a little common sense. The common rules below are adapted from Makerfaire.com
Injuries and Accidents
- In an emergency call 111 for help.
For poison information call 0800 POISON (0800 764 766). - Do not attempt to remove foreign objects from the eye or body.
- If chemicals get in the eye(s), flush eye(s) immediately before proceeding for medical treatment. You can use running water (in the bathrooms) or an eyewash kit if available. Many chemicals will require flushing for 15 minutes or more.
- Treat burns with cold running water immediately. The bathrooms down the hallway are the closest source of running water.
- You must report all injuries or near misses to TAP lab, these will be passed on to Auckland Council. You can go onto slack and message the current president or email president@taplab.nz, if you don’t hear back please follow it up with another member of the executive committee. A Near Miss / Incident / Accident Report Form will need to be filled in (in the back of the yellow Health and Safety folder at TAP lab).
Use protective gear. Dress right.
- Wear eye protection when using tools that could produce flying debris. If you will be working near someone else warn them so that they can also wear appropriate eye protection as well.
- Masks should be worn when sanding with either a power sander or by hand.
- Do not wear loose-fitting clothing around moving or rotating machinery. Remove ties, jewellery, gloves, etc.
- Tie back or cover long hair to keep it away from moving machinery and power tools.
- Wear appropriate footwear for a workshop environment. Your shoes need to cover your feet, no open-toe shoes or sandals, no bare feet.
- Wear suitable gloves when handling hot objects, or sharp-edged materials.
- Safety is your top priority when using TAP lab. If you are not sure what you are doing, ask.
- Familiarise yourself with the locations of the first aid box, fire extinguisher(s), fire alarm points, and fire exits. Make sure you know the evacuation procedure for the Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre.
- Never use a tool unless you’ve been trained to use it safely. Refer to the ‘Safety Levels and Licences for Equipment’ section of this document.
- Do not work in TAP lab under the influence of any substance that could impair your ability to use the space safely. Consider what state you are in, if excessively tired or in a hurry you could be a risk to yourself or others.
- Do not fool around, startle, or distract anyone (not even with a conversation) while either one of you is using a tool that could cause harm.
- Make sure you have adequate ventilation when using materials or chemicals that require it.
- Invisible dangers: Choose materials with a full knowledge of the potential long-term effects of their use. For example mixing certain chemicals can cause a poisonous gas. Heating certain substances can release poisonous gas. Some items come with a material safety data sheet (MSDS), if not, it may be accessible online.
Use tools right, know the risks.
- Use tools only as they were designed to be used. (A wrench is not a hammer.)
- Never use a broken tool. Report any broken tools or equipment immediately and put a note on them so no one else uses them (masking tape and paper is fine). Report that is is broken on the #equip_general channel on slack or to a member of staff.
- Never walk away from a tool that is still on.
- Fire: Heat guns and handheld torches can generate fires if used without proper attention to the work and surrounding areas. The laser cutter can cause fires and must always be monitored closely when in use.
- Note the name: “power” tools. They are powerful. Some power tools are heavy and should not be used by makers who don’t have the strength to control the tool well. Power tools can grab anything that dangles near them. When using any power tool long hair should be tied up, and loose clothes and jewellery should be secured.
- Batteries: Don’t use or charge a battery that shows signs of swelling, overheating or damage. Coin cell / button batteries can be fatal if swallowed. Keep them out of reach of small children. Make sure storage containers they are kept in have appropriate warnings on them.
Clean up.
- Clean up each time you have finished, including sweeping or vacuuming the floor.
- Clean and return all tools to their correct place.
- Shut off and unplug machines when cleaning, repairing, or oiling.
- Never use a rag near moving machinery.
- Use a brush, hook, or a special tool to remove chips, shavings, etc. from the work area. Never use your hands.
- Keep fingers clear of the point of operation of machines by using special tools or devices, such as, push sticks, hooks, pliers, etc.
- Keep the floor around equipment clean, dry, and free from trip hazards. Do not allow dust to accumulate.
- Mop up spills immediately and put a chair over them if they are wet enough to cause someone to slip.
Versioning and Admin info
Last updated: 30/2/2023 (with minor updates to headings etc, notes added in word to update hardcopy to match)
This content exists in 3 places:
- Safety Procedures document (stored on sharepoint)
- Printed out in the yellow Health and Safety folder at TAP lab.
- This webpage
When updating “Safety Procedures” ensure all the versions are updated. Online version can have minor adjustments like adding links.
Related documents:
- Health and Safety Policy
Located in the yellow Health and Safety folder at TAP lab:
- Safety Cards for equipment (also located around the room by the tools they are for and on safety.taplab.nz).
- Near Miss / Incident / Accident Report Forms
- Health and Safety suggestions (go to online form safety.taplab.nz/safety)