Trainers Info

This page is for trainers to reference.

How to notify for a new licence

If you are a trainer you need to fill in a form on slack to notify of a new licence. Go to the #trainers channel and either click on the link in the pinned post or type in /award-licences. A form will pop up for you to fill in. A licence admin will enter the new licence into the member’s profile on this website. 

Training requirements

See below for the training requirements of equipment at the different TAP lab Safety Levels. 

Highest Risk:

Refer to the user guides for each of the items of equipment, they will have specific information on what the training needs to cover. 

High Risk:

  • Ensure the trainee has read and understood the safety card for the item of equipment.
  • Quiz them on a few points from it. 
  • Run through how to use the item of equipment.
  • Watch the trainee show you how to use the equipment.
Issue them a Restricted licence if:
  • You must believe this person has a reasonable understanding of how to use the equipment but requires more practice while supervised before they are competent with it. 
Issue them a Full licence if:
  • You believe this person can competently and safely operate the item of equipment if they were to use it alone.

Please note: for this level the trainee may be able to skip ahead to full without ever having a restricted licence if they are sufficiently competent. 

Moderate Risk:

  • Ensure the trainee has read and understood the safety card for the item of equipment.
  • Quiz them on a few points from it. 
  • Run through how to use the item of equipment.
Issue them a Full licence

There is no restricted licence for equipment at this safety level so once a trainee has completed an induction they can receive a full licence. If you have concerns about this person using the equipment and do not believe they should receive a licence you can email

Become a trainer

Being a trainer is a great way to help TAP lab and share your knowledge. If you would like to become a trainer for an item of equipment please email